Marching the Way Victorious
Wait for It...
All along, it was as if there was a voice saying, “Wait for it. . . Wait for it…” That is one of the most important things I have learned in this life is to wait for the punchline. -
Hydrodynamic Intervention
"...You are not a swimmer. You are not designed to swim. I have seen your body-type before, and you do not float, so don’t expect me to pull your brick-ass out of the water when you start to drown.” -
Coalescence of Our Dreams
I was tempted to ask the young lady follow-up questions regarding her alien abduction experience, but I felt that might evoke flashbacks to associated trauma. Besides, satisfying such curiosity would have only been a distraction from the mission. -
Sunrise Service
It was another 5:00 am wake-up and go. At least it was warm. All winter I had made the same ride through rain and fog. Now spring was here and the ... -
What it Really Means
Inigo Montoya admonishes, “You keep using that word: I don’t think it means what you think it means”. -
Hide the Knives!
He was on the edge of screaming histrionically exclaiming, “DEREK YOU’RE CHOKING HIM! HE’S GOING TO DIE!” Without relinquishing the quality torque I had on his neck I paused just long enough to look up at TTT and reassure him, “Don’t worry [TTT] they pass out before they die!" -
Harmonic Convergence
The world had already begun to anticipate the Harmonic Convergence which would occur when six out of the eight planets of our solar system would align marking the end of a 52 cycle epoch of the Mayan Calendar, but I was about to participate in a harmonic convergence that though smaller in scale would be personally much more satisfying and memorable. -
“WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU HERE?” These were good questions and ones that deserved to be answered.